
ERN ReCONNET Affiliated Partners

The purpose of ERNs is to enable the sharing of expertise and to improve access to care for patients across the European Union (EU), especially for complex or rare medical conditions that require highly specialised healthcare and a concentration of knowledge and resources.
In order for ERNs to deliver genuine added value to all EU Member States, legislation makes provision for Member States which do not have representation from a member within an approved ERN, to participate through healthcare providers that are designated by their Member State as “associated” and or “collaborative” national centres.
Member States may also wish to designate a national coordination hub with all types of Networks.

The ERN Board of Member States fully supports the objectives set out in the Commission Implementing Decision (2014/287/EU) as well as facilitate the participation in ERNs to as many as possible Member States, none of whose healthcare providers are Members of an approved Network as indicated in the Preamble (14) of the Commission Delegated Decision (2014/286/EU), in order to achieve the widest possible geographical coverage, exchange of knowledge, and best practice.

Healthcare providers from those Member States might be designated as:

  • Associated National Centres” focusing in the provision of healthcare
  • Collaborative National Centres” focusing on the production of knowledge and tools to improve the quality of care

Member States may also wish to designate:

  • A single national coordination hub with the remit to engage with all established Networks when appropriate
  • Or a national hub pertaining to a specific Network

Collectively, Associated National Centres, Collaborative National Centres, and National Coordination Hubs are referred to as Affiliated Partners (APs).

The designation of Affiliates Partners by their Member States must be undertaken through open, transparent, and robust procedures.
To facilitate and support the participation of designated APs, all ERNs must have in place a clear policy objective for the active engagement and participation of APs from the outset.
This must be underpinned by transparent rules and strategies that describe how APs can interact, participate, and contribute to the ERN.
The Rules of Procedure should include a model of written cooperation agreements to be signed by the APs including, at a minimum, their specific role concerning their active involvement and obligation to follow the rules and procedures established by the Network, in accordance with the relevant operational criteria for the Networks.


Medical University Innsbruck, Center for Inherited and Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases, Department of Human Genetics (Associated National Centre)

University Hospital Centre Osijek (Associated National Centre)

Tartu University Hospital (Associated National Centre)

Semmelweis University (National Coordination Hub)

Children’s Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia (Associated National Centre)
Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia (Associated National Centre)

Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Science Kauno Klinikos (Associated National Centre)

Centre Hospitalier du Luxembourg (National Coordination Hub)

Mater Dei Hospital (National Coordination Hub)

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