Ana Vieira

Ana Vieira is an ERN ReCONNET ePAG representative for Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), she is also co-Chair of the Patients’ Partnership WG together with Prof. Gerd Burmester from the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany).
Ana is an international patient advocate and a member and volunteer of the Liga Portuguesa Contra as Doenças Reumáticas (Portuguese League Against Rheumatic Diseases), where she acts as liaison officer for the International Sjögren’s Network (ISN) and EURORDIS. She is also an active EULAR Patient Research Partner, the co-founder and member of the board of Sjögren Europe, the European Federation of Sjögren’s Syndrome Patient Associations, and also a member of FOREUM scientific committee and of EULAR Research Committee.