Events & Media

Past and future meetings, conferences, congresses.


News from relevant stakeholders on health and rare diseases. Take a look at it and start to engage with the initiatives enlisted here.

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ERN ReCONNET at the ERICA & EJP RD Joint Conference

ERN ReCONNET at the ERICA & EJP RD Joint Conference

ERN ReCONNET is glad to take part in the ERICA and EJP RD joint Conference that will take place in Amsterdam on November 21st. This is going to be a unique opportunity to explore the European and international rare disease research ecosystems, we would connect and consolidate our network with relevant stakeholders in the healthcare…...


ERN ReCONNET sarà presente al 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR) che si svolgerà, come è ormai tradizione da diversi anni, presso il Palacongressi di Rimini, avremo il nostro booth al numero 10 (vedasi mappa per maggiori dettagli). Il Network sarà inoltre presente con i suoi esperti e membri che modereranno sessioni, presenteranno…...
Summary report of the TRANSFORM 2023 Conference

Summary report of the TRANSFORM 2023 Conference

How can policymakers secure the promise of advanced therapies for patients over the next 6 months? Read the summary report of the TRANSFORM 2023 Conference to learn what our multi-stakeholder Alliance members and MEP Interest Group think is needed from decision-makers now, and in the next EU mandate. The current mandate of the European Parliament…...
One Health Conference – One Health for All, All for One Health

One Health Conference – One Health for All, All for One Health

The recent epidemics and pandemics, in particular COVID-19, have made it unmistakably clear that human, animal, plant and environmental health cannot be dealt with separately, but need to be addressed in a ‘One Health’ approach. Their interdependencies need to be better acknowledged and require work at the interfaces in a multisectoral, transdisciplinary and an integrated…...
Beacon for Rare Diseases: The London Rare Disease Showcase 2023

Beacon for Rare Diseases: The London Rare Disease Showcase 2023

Join Beacon for Rare, live and in-person for The London Rare Disease Showcase that aims to shed light on the latest innovations and advancements occurring in the field of rare diseases, with special emphasis on the vibrant rare disease landscape in the UK’s capital. The event is scheduled for 27th November 2023 from 9:30 to 17:00,…...
B1MG project draws to a close

B1MG project draws to a close

The Beyond 1 Million Genomes project (B1MG) has been a €4M three-year Coordination and Support Action to support the design and testing phase of the European 1+Million Genomes (1+MG) initiative. This initiative facilitates signatory countries to realise a practice of personalised medicine and health, based upon a shared ‘framework’ and the infrastructure to safely access…...

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