Events & Media

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ERN ReCONNET transition of care survey for HCPs

ERN ReCONNET transition of care survey for HCPs

In 2023, a Task Force of ERN ReCONNET dedicated to the transition of care has been established. This task force is led by Prof. Gabriele Simonini (AOU Meyer IRCCS, Firenze, Italy) and Prof. Tadej Avčin (Ljubljana University Medical Centre, Slovenia). The core team includes expert clinicians in pediatric and adult care, patient representatives (ePAGs), and…...
EURORDIS Patient Partnership Framework for the ERNs

EURORDIS Patient Partnership Framework for the ERNs

EURORDIS launched the Patient Partnership Framework for the European Reference Networks (ERNs) – a new guide designed to support the implementation of stronger patient partnership through all strategic and operational phases of the ERNs’ activities. ERNs are patient-centred networks, where collaboration between health professionals and people living with a rare disease fundamentally drives and shapes the priorities…...
5th International Symposium on IgG4-Related Disease

5th International Symposium on IgG4-Related Disease

The 5th International Symposium on IgG4-Related Disease will be held from Thursday April 4th to Saturday April 6th, 2024 at the Star Rosa Grand Hotel (Milan, Italy). The 1st International Symposium on IgG4-Related Disease was held in Boston (US) in 2011. At that Symposium, investigators agreed upon the name for the condition — “IgG4-Related Disease”…...
Belgian Presidency Council of European Union

Belgian Presidency Council of European Union

The Belgian presidency programme sets out the priorities and main directions of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU. The Belgian term takes place from the 1st of January to the 30th of June 2024. Belgium assumes the rotating presidency for the thirteenth time, at a moment when the European Union stands at…...
Artificial intelligence workplan to guide use of AI in medicines regulation

Artificial intelligence workplan to guide use of AI in medicines regulation

This important workplan will help the European medicines regulatory network (EMRN) to embrace the opportunities of AI for personal productivity, automating processes and systems, increasing insights into data and supporting more robust decision-making to benefit public and animal health. The AI workplan, prepared under the joint HMA-EMA Big Data Steering Group (BDSG), ensures the EMRN remains at the…...
Joint Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA)/European Medicines Agency (EMA) Multistakeholder workshop on Patient Registries

Joint Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA)/European Medicines Agency (EMA) Multistakeholder workshop on Patient Registries

This joint two-day hybrid HMA/EMA workshop on Patient Registries on Feb. 12-13, 2024, at the European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The workshop follows on the successful disease-specific workshops held between 2017 and 2019, as well as the EMA multi-stakeholder workshop on qualification of novel methodologies. The event will bring together representatives of registry holders,…...

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