Our Network
CHRU de Lille – Department of Internal Medicine, Huriez Hospital. University of Lille (France)
City, Country: Lille, France
Healthcare Provider Representative: Prof. Eric Hachulla
Role in the ERN: Steering Committee member, HCP full member, Education and Training WG Chair, leader ERN Exchange Program
Area of expertise in the ERN: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), Idiopathic inflammatory Myopathies (IIM), Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS), Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE), Systemic Sclerosis (SSc).
Contact: eric.hachulla at
Prof. Eric Hachulla
3rd Call: Short update
The second call for the ERN ReCONNET Exchange Program has been a great success. We are happy to announce that over the next two years 54 participants from 19 ERN ReCONNET centers and 9 different countries will visit one of the 14 hosting centers, which are located across 7 different countries. The participants will follow a three day to one week long training and interact with local partners. This will enhance the exchange of medical practices, skills and organisational knowledge within our network.
While the majority of the training sessions focus on the rCTDs covered by ERN ReCONNET, there is also a special session dedicated to patient education on rCTDs. Similarly, the majority of the participants are health care professionals, but two ePAGs will also be able to travel to another ERN ReCONNET center. We believe that by creating opportunities for members of the health care community and/or patients to interact and to learn from one another, we can enhance the quality of patient care and promote innovative practices throughout the network.
This call is led by Prof. Eric Hachulla and his team based at the CHRU de Lille – Department of Internal Medicine, Huriez Hospital. University of Lille (France), as part of the ERN ReCONNET Education and Training Working Group.