Our Network
AOU Policlinico Umberto I di Roma
University Hospital Umberto I
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria (AOU) Umberto I
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria (AOU) Umberto I
City, Country: Rome, Italy
Healthcare Provider Representative: Prof. Valeria Riccieri
Role in the ERN: HCP full member
Areas of expertise in the ERN: Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS), IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), Idiopathic inflammatory Myopathies (IIM), Mixed Connective Tissue Diseases (MCTD), Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Systemic Sclerosis (SSc), Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD).
Contact: valeria.riccieri at

How to access the center:
Patients can access to dedicated reservation office bringing a request from the GP
First visits and controls can also be requested by specific e-mail address (malattierare at or by phone (0039 06 49976914 – Rare Disease Centre)
Come accedere al centro:
Gli appuntamenti per prima visita reumatologica possono essere presi con impegnativa del medico curante o altro specialista di persona presso il VII Padiglione piano terra o via e-mail (malattierare at o per telefono (0039 06 49976914 – Centro Malattie Rare)