
Diana Marinello

Diana Marinello

Diana Marinello is the network manager of ERN ReCONNET since june 2017.

She is in charge of strategic and operational management of activities and stakeholders; supervision of the policies and procedures development and management; support to the Scientific Coordinator in the research activities of the Network and in the preparation and management of research studies and manuscripts of the ERN; coordination of the patients’ involvement; coordination of the implementation of the narrative medicine approach; collaboration with other ERNs and other initiatives on rare diseases; management of the educational activities of the ERN; coordination of the National Hubs; member of the ERN ReCONNET Operational Helpdesk; support in the management of the virtual clinical panels; participation to the ERN Coordinators WGs and co-chairing of the ERN Project Managers WG; support to the Coordination of the ERN Transversal WG on Pregnancy and Family Planning; support to the ERN Continuous Monitoring and ERN ReCONNET Quality Improvement System, Programme and Project Management; management of the European Registry Infrastructure for data harmonization in rare and complex connective tissue and musculoskeletal diseases (TogethERN ReCONNET); coordination of the Working Group and of the activities related to the Mapping of existing rCTDs registries; in charge of the ERN proposals and support in grant management, preparation of deliverables; submission of abstracts and poster to scientific conferences.

Education and training

02/2021 – CURRENT
Master in Methodologies supporting patient engagement and communication (UniCusano)

Orphanet nomenclature and Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology (Orphanet)

Traning on ICH Good Clinical Pratice Guidelines (AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research)

EURORDIS Leadership School on Healthcare & Research (EURORDIS)

International Summer School on Rare Disease Registries and FAIRification of Data (EJP RD)

Project Management advanced course (Stargate Consulting)

Licence for the Morisky Widget MMAS-8 medication adherence and medication reconciliation (Morisky)

EURORDIS Summer School on medicines research and development (EURORDIS)

Project Management Certificate (ISI PM)

University Degree in Foreign languages (Roma Tre University)


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