Guidelines & Clinical Tools
Guidelines & Clinical Tools
In 2018, the European Commission launched the Tender No SANTE/2018/B3/030 European Reference Network: Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Clinical Decision Support Tools (CDSTs) with the overall purpose of provide assistance to the ERNs and their healthcare providers in the process of the development, appraisal and implementation of CPGs and CDSTs, taking into account the objectives and criteria set under the framework of Article 12 of Directive 2011/24/EU on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, and relevant implementing measures and procedures.
The technical assistance for this programme (ERN Guidelines) should contribute to implement the capacity of the Networks and their members in their task to produce and adhere to high quality CPGs and CDSTs in their area of expertise. A consortium with the expertise and capacity to develop this Programme has been selected to assist the ERNs and their healthcare providers in the process of development, appraisal and implementation of CPGs and CDSTs based on what was established in the Contract SANTE/2018/B3/030.
Each ERN had to set up a formal Expert panel to be in charge of the development, appraisal and implementation of specific clinical practice guidelines & clinical decision support tools at ERN level.
The main roles of the Expert Panel are:
- to report, provide information and support to the European Commission, Board of Member States, ERN’s Coordinator Group and Advisory Body at request.
- to support and help the ERN to work effectively on elaborating (de novo or adapted), implementing, updating and appraising CPGs/CDSTs, including the patient’s voice.
- to provide technical advice and guidance to the EC, member States and to the ERN coordinators
- to follow the methodological manual and tool kit on CPGs/CDSTs of agreed in the framework of ERN system.
- to participate in capacity building strategies towards CPGs/CDSTs management.
- to adopt their opinions and reports by consensus.