Disease Info

ERN ReCONNET Rare Connective Tissue
and Musculo-Skeletal Diseases (rCTDs)

The rCTDs comprise a large number of diseases and syndromes, with a tremendous impact on patient well-being. This network groups rCTDs into three main thematic groups: Rare autoimmune, complex autoimmune, and rare hereditary connective tissue and musculoskeletal diseases.

In particular, the ERN ReCONNET currently covers the following rCTDs, check these web pages for all info and details about the rCTDs and to explore to all the free available resources, like Disease Webinars and patient organizations:

All developed ERN ReCONNET webinars and videos organized in Playlists can be seen here.


July 17th, 2024 – 16.00 CEST. THE OPTIMIZATION OF GLUCOCORTICOID THERAPY FOR LONG TERM TREATMENT IN CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES. Speaker Prof. Maurizio Cutolo moderated by Prof. Gerd Burmester.
Registration is OPEN and FREE.


Speakers Mrs. Sue Farrington and Mrs. Ilaria Galetti, ePAG SSc Representatives with Prof. Marco Matucci Cerinic and Prof. Vanessa Smith, SSc Disease Group Coordinators.
July  3rd , 2024 – 16.00 CEST.
The recorded webinar is freely available on the ERN ReCONNET YouTube Channel.


ERN ReCONNET Webinars on rCTDs

Preconception Care in Patients with Connective Tissue Diseases

Characterization of pain in connective tissue diseases and its management. Everyone's problem.

Adherence to treatment in connective tissue diseases: A multi-faceted issue

Pregnancy in rare and complex connective tissue and musculoskeletal diseases

ERN ReCONNET Webinars on rCTDs & Nutrition

The multifaceted aspects of nutrition

Don't neglect a correct nutrition in rheumatic diseases

The real roles of Vitamin D in Connective Tissue Diseases

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