The ERN ReCONNET Education and Training Working Group (WG) is glad to release its new flyer on nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC), a new and informative document targeting patients and lay audience aimed at explaining such an important diagnostic approach.
The document was developed by the Network under the leadership of Prof. Maurizio Cutolo from IRCSS – Ospedale San Martino (co-chair of the ERN ReCONNET Education and Training WG) – Genova (Italy), Prof. Vanessa Smith from University Hospital Ghent (co-chair of the ERN ReCONNET Systemic Sclerosis Disease Group and EULAR Study Group on microcirculation in rheumatic diseases) – Ghent (Belgium), Prof. Francesca Ingegnoli from Gaetano Pini CTO (co-chair CAP-SIR SG) – Milan (Italy), therefore, it was done in collaboration with EULAR Study Group on Capillaroscopy and Microcirculation and the CAP-SIR Study Group.
Regarding the NVC approach, the test is mainly useful in rheumatology and in internal medicine, for an early or to-be-confirmed diagnosis of rare and complex connective tissue diseases such as Systemic Sclerosis (SSc), Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD), Polydermatomyositis, Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD), AntiPhospholipid Syndrome (APS), and offers important information on microcirculation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLA) as well as in Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS) and overlaps.
The flyer can be downloaded for free (pdf), and it will available soon in several languages.
ERN ReCONNET Capillaroscopy Flyer (pdf)
More details and info about NVC can be found here.