Events & Media

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The 3rd Plenary Meeting of the ERN ReCONNET will be held from 13th to 14th January 2019 in Pisa, at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.  The Meeting will focus on the following topics: the patients’ point of view from ePAGs, the next call for new HCPs and Affiliated Partners, the ERN Continuous Monitoring, the Clinical Patient Management…...
New ERN information flyer and information video released

New ERN information flyer and information video released

During the 4th European Reference Networks Conference, the European Commission has released a new version of the ERN information flyer and of the ERN information video. They both aim at informing patients and healthcare professionals about how the ERNs work and introduce how a doctor will convene in “virtual” panels of medical experts from across…...
55th Congress of Italian Society of Rheumatology (21-24 November 2018)

55th Congress of Italian Society of Rheumatology (21-24 November 2018)

The 55th Congress of Italian Society of Rheumatology will be held from 21st to 24th November 2018 in Rimini, Italy. ERN ReCONNET will be present to the Congress with a booth. This is the main event for the italian rheumatologists and this year ERN ReCONNET is starring in the International Symposium on Rare Diseases that will be…...
4th conference on European Reference Networks ERNs in action

4th conference on European Reference Networks ERNs in action

The 4th Conference on European Reference Networks "ERNs in action" will be held on 21 and 22 November 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. ERN ReCONNET will be present to the Conference with 10 delegates. This two-day event will gather more than 400 participants – National authorities, healthcare providers members of the ERNs, health professionals, hospital managers,…...
EURORDIS Summer School (10-14 June 2019, Barcelona)

EURORDIS Summer School (10-14 June 2019, Barcelona)

The next edition of the EURORDIS Summer School face-to-face training will take place 10-14 June 2019, in Barcelona. You can apply here for this training. The deadline for applications is 15th November 2018. The results of the applications will be communicated by end January 2019. The Summer School is made up of one week of face-to-face training…...
RMD Open Supplement on Clinical Practice Guidelines

RMD Open Supplement on Clinical Practice Guidelines

We proudly announce that the Supplement on State of the Art on clinical practice guidelines on rare and complex Connective Tissue Diseases is now available on RMD Open. This is one of the first results of the collaboration of Healthcare Providers and Patients in the framework of the European Reference Network on Rare and Complex…...

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