How to apply to become a member of an ERN?

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The process how to become a member of an ERN is defined in the Implementing Acts: a healthcare provider (HCP) wishing to become a member of an ERN will have to pass an assessment process based on the criteria in Delegated Decision (2014/286/EU) Annex II, on the Implementing Decision (2014/287/EU) and on the amendment to the Implementing Decision (2019/1269).

The membership application process will involve several steps:

  • Review the information on the Commission webpage which includes the current framework, the legislative proposal and a many frequently asked questions (FAQ);
  • Contact your national representatives in the ERN Board of MS. They will  provide you with more specific information on the national endorsement process;
  • Fill in the application and self-assessment in the online tool that will be published with the call;
  • Include all required documents that are specified in the online tool and in the assessment manual that will be published soon.

Information that the applicant will have to review will include:

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